My research interests include DG finite element methods, variational inequalities, PDE-constrained optimization, numerical optimization, physics informed machine learning.
Research Projects
By utilizing a symmetric dual-wind DG (DWDG) spatial discretization and a backward Euler temporal discretization, we proposed a fully discrete scheme designed to solve a parabolic variational inequality. We also determined the rate of convergence of the error in space and time in suitable norms.
Numerical Solution
Contact set $\Omega_0(t)$ Read moreWe proposed and analyzed a numerically stable and convergent scheme for the convection-diffusion (CD) equation in the convection-dominated regime and derived a local order of convergence of $O(ℎ^{1.5})$ whenever the exact solution is of $𝐻^2(\Omega)$ regularity. The following figures illustrate a comparison between the exact and numerical solution from a particular numerical experiment.
Exact Solution
Numerical Solution Read morePeer-Reviewed Publications
Boyana, S. B., Lewis, T., Rapp, A., Zhang, Y. (2023). Convergence analysis of a symmetric dual-wind discontinuous Galerkin method for a parabolic variational inequality. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 422, 114922.
Supported by NSF grants DMS-2111004 (PI: Y. Zhang) and DMS-2111059 (PI: T. Lewis)
Boyana, S. B., Lewis, T., Liu, S., Zhang, Y. (2024). Convergence Analysis of Novel Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for a Convection Dominated Problem. Journal of Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Volume 175, 2024, Pages 224-235, ISSN 0898-122.
Supported by NSF grants DMS-2111004 (PI: Y. Zhang), DMS-1929284 (PI: S. Liu) and DMS-2111059 (PI: T. Lewis)
Manuscripts in Preparation
Boyana, S. B., Lewis, T., Liu, S., Zhang, Y. Convergence Analysis of a Symmetric Dual-Wind Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for an Elliptic Optimal Control Problem with Control Constraints.
Supported by NSF grant DMS-2111004 (PI: Y. Zhang)
Boyana, S. B., Lewis, T., Liu, S., Zhang, Y. Convergence Analysis of Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for an Optimal Control Problem with a Convection-Dominated State Equation.